No Credit Car Loan
No Credit Car Loans For Students
Being a student is hard enough without worrying about what bills are due. Chances are, if you’re still in school or close to graduating, you might not even have your own credit card yet! It can be tricky to purchase a vehicle without an existing line of credit, but thanks to the Finance Department at McLachlan Automotive Solutions, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to get behind the wheel of a sweet new ride.
Students have the opportunity to build a great line of credit and be on the way to a solid credit score because they are just starting out. A no credit auto loan from McLachlan Automotive Solutions is the perfect way to start, and we’ll show you how.
How Will a No Credit Car Loan Help Me Get My Car?
For students who are just starting out in the world, a loan will ultimately be required when purchasing your new vehicle (unless Mom and Dad are extra generous with the graduation gift). Lenders see your credit score as a reflection of your intent to pay back borrowed funds and without an existing credit score, it might be trickier than usual to get your dream car. McLachlan Automotive Solutions has options in place for students with no credit. Our financial experts will work with you to start your application to build up a brand new credit rating.
Building up your credit score starts
with the help of a credit card. The biggest misconception people have with credit cards is that they are for emergency purposes only, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Treat your credit card like cash and only spend what you have. For example, if you have $50.00 cash in your pocket and you go to buy $100.00 worth of stuff, you wouldn’t be able to pay at the counter. The same goes with your credit card--think of it as plastic money and be smart with your spending. Paying off small purchases with your credit card is a great way to start building up your credit score. Once you have sufficient funds and a healthy credit score, you’re well on your way towards getting that new car!
Where Do I Start?
After successfully applying for a credit card, the rest is up to you to ensure your credit rating stays out of the red. Here are the top 3 ways to keep your credit score high and mighty.
Clock Pay Your Bills on Time
Making your payments on time is the biggest contributing factor to keeping a solid credit rating. Remember, it’s an indication to lenders on your intent to pay back borrowed money! Your credit card statement will indicate when your funds are due. Even if you can’t pay the full amount that month, as long as you pay the minimum amount specified, your credit rating will be spared.
Stop button Stick to the Limit
It might be tempting to use your credit card for indulgences with the intent to pay it off when your paycheck comes in, but this is dangerous game and one that shouldn’t be played! If you don’t have the funds, don’t spend the cash. Your limit is there for a reason, and is more of a protection to ensure you don’t spiral into debt. Pay off the amount in small increments before you reach the limit.
happy face Keep It Simple
Credit history incorporates mixed credit to produce an overall rating. As a student, while you can explore different or multiple lines of credit as you get older, for now it’s a good idea to stick to one. Having too many open applications could send a red flag to lenders, or worse, cause you to lose track of your finances. Use only one credit card to build up your credit and reap in the rewards of a solid credit score!
Consider a Pre-Owned Vehicle
As a student, you’re probably drowning in tuition costs already! Keep your cash and enjoy lower monthly payments and an overall price tag when you shop for a used vehicle. At McLachlan Automotive Solutions, we have an incredible selection of high-quality used cars, trucks and SUVs, including an impressive inventory of pre-owned vehicles under $10K! With prices like these, you’ll have your vehicle paid off in no time and get to spend your money on other purchases. If your parents are looking to get rid of their old vehicle, and were considering giving it to you instead, McLachlan Automotive Solutions has a better idea. We offer a free vehicle trade-in appraisal so you can find out how much your old car would be worth, and get an idea of how much money you can put towards a newer model. Plus, even if you don’t buy one of our vehicles, we’re happy to take the hassle of private selling off your hands and make you an offer.
Are you a student looking to start building your credit?
Learn more about the options available to you from McLachlan Automotive Solutions and see why a no credit car loan can help. Call our Finance Department today at 1-(855) 432-2022 to speak with our credit specialists.